
How to submit your first assignment?

Student Experience


  1. Login to Github.
  2. Create a Dev machine in the cloud. Configure Github SSH with your Dev machine in the Cloud. Select the GITAM folder.
  3. Accept the assignment.
  4. Working on the assignment.
  5. Submitting your assignment.

Step#1: Login to Github

Login to your github account.

Step#2.1: Create a Dev machine in cloud

Login via your Github account at https://code.cs50.io.
VSCode interface will be shown after it creates a Dev machine in the cloud.

Step#2.2: Configure Github SSH with your Dev machine in the cloud

  1. Open a terminal window, if not open already, within Visual Studio Code.
  2. Execute ssh-keygen. When prompted to “save the key,” just hit Enter, without typing anything.
  3. You’ll then be prompted for a “passphrase” (i.e., password). No need to input a passphrase; just hit Enter. You’ll then see a “randomart image” that you can ignore.
  4. Execute cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub. You’ll then see your “public key,” multiple lines of seemingly random text. Highlight and copy all of those lines, starting with ssh-rsa to the end. But don’t highlight your terminal window’s prompts (which contain $) before or after those lines.
  5. Visit https://github.com/settings/keys, logging in with your GitHub username and password as usual.
  6. Click New SSH Key.
  7. Paste your public key into the text box under Key. Optionally input a title under Title (e.g., VSCode in Cloud).
  8. Click Add SSH Key.
  9. Execute ssh -T git@ssh.github.com -p 443. If it asks Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no/[fingerprint])?, type yes. After that you should be greeted with Hi USERNAME! You've successfully authenticated, but GitHub does not provide shell access. If you don’t see that, review the above steps to verify you didn’t skip something.

Step#2.3: Configure GITAM folder and open it

  1. Open a terminal window, if not open already, within Visual Studio Code.
  2. Execute the following 2 commands to create a GITAM folder inside /workspaces folder.
     cd /workspaces/
     mkdir GITAM
  3. Using VScode Menu click File -> Open Folder... and select the GITAM folder. You can see demo video.

Step#3: Accept the assignment

Open the link for the assignmnet given by your teacher. Accept the assignment. An assignment repository will be created for you.

Step#4: Working on the assignment

  1. Go to your assignment repository and copy the clone URL. Here is an example. You need to use your assignment repository. Clone URL
  2. Open a terminal window, if not open already, within Visual Studio Code. In the terminal if not already in GITAM folder, change directory to GITAM. Inside that type the following command.
     git clone <assignment-repository-url>
  3. A folder will be created with the files of the assignment. Now expand the folder in the VSCode Explorer and start working on the code just like in the REPLIT editor.

Step#5: Submitting your assignment

You don’t need to do anything. Just compelete the assignment. Once the due date is completed, you updated assignment code snapshot will be taken and will be evaluated.


  1. Git is a popular tool for saving different versions of code.
  2. GitHub, a popular website for saving those versions in the cloud.
  3. VSCode is an Integrated Development Environment(IDE).